grabbing via SPACE/DRAG/SPACE

Melchior FRANZ mfranz at
Sat Feb 4 19:35:22 CET 2006


|------- Additional Comment #5 From Melchior Franz 2006-02-02 16:15 -------  
|I got it working once for a short time, but most of the time it refuses 
|to work. Pressing Space just does nothing. [...]
| ------- Additional Comment #6 From boud at 2006-02-02 16:22 -------  
|Have you recompiled already? I mean, it works perfectly here... Press
|space, pan is selected, press space again, the old tool is restored.  
| ------- Additional Comment #7 From boud at 2006-02-02 16:25 -------  
|Oh, wait, I think I know what's happening. The spacebar is only recognized
|if the keyboard focus is on the canvas.  
For the record: this does still not work. I've meanwhile found out that
my old kritarc didn't allow it. When I moved that away, I could get the
feature working, *BUT* only when I kept the LMB pressed(!) and pressed 
the SPACE bar in addition. Only then the Space-Grab feature got activated.
And from then on it worked normally. The first time has to happen with
pressed LMB.


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