Krita, still very buggy

Ronan Zeegers krita at
Tue Dec 5 21:06:47 CET 2006

Hi guys (and girls?),

I just tried the new Krita and it is still very buggy...

But first the good news; I tried the Transform Tool with my wacom and it 
works well now! Great job!

And now the bad ones; when I use the transform tool with a selection, I 
end up with a very nasty bug. I already found a bug report
I dont want to be hard or discouraging but that kind of bugs should be 
only in beta release not in 1.6.1

I also have to say that I find the selection system not very convenient. 
When I work with a selection, I want to have a clear view of my image in 
the same time. I mean the whole image.
The semi transparent mauve color really doesn't help here. It's a cool 
thing to have when I work on my selection area but not when I work with 
my selection (i.e. when using the transform tool or brush).
The user should be able to switch between dotted lines (I don't think 
anyone has found a better system right now) and the semi mauve 
transparent color (maybe without the buggy red line).

This is exaclty the same system as photoshop but I can't think myself of 
a better way.

I also didn't find an easy way to deselect. Only a complex shortcut 
combo or going through the menu. An easier shortcut and a deselect tool, 
even if it seems stupid, can be a good stuff to have in terms of 
usability and work speed.

Krita has a really great design and I think it's a sexy project. I 
really would like to use it daily but all those bugs on basic tools 
prevent me to do so...


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