Krita source reorganization

Saem Ghani saem-ghani at
Thu Sep 29 00:18:11 CEST 2005

If as you say all the raster and raster plugins are exported into a reusable 
library, all of KDE could benefit, we could have our own Coca like CoreImage, 
except it'd be KoreImage of course. ;)  At that point even the digikam, 
KolourPaint, and otherse might begin to come together.  It might also see a 
fair bit of visibility and hopefully work.

On Wednesday 28 September 2005 04:03, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> The sdk and ui library can be used by plugins: they contain interfaces a
> plugin should implement, and interfaces for classes the krita application
> and image handling library provides. Libkrita should be(come) a reusable
> library for handling layered raster images. Libkritapart is the koffice
> application and includes the canvas and event handling.

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