working with krita

Thomas Zander zander at
Sat Sep 24 18:25:51 CEST 2005

* the screenshot tool wants to close the current document before it can do 
its work, what about making it snapshot to a new layer?

* changing the title of a layer; I double click on the layer and press OK, 
apparently the X/Y coordinates are wrong in that dialog since now my 
layer is repositioned.

* Doing a copy of a selection, but having the wrong layer selected gives 
me an empty selection (all transparent).  Pressing paste should say so 
(popup) instead of creating a new useless layer.

* pasting a small selection should make the new image pixels in the center 
of my screen. Note that this does not always mean center of drawing due 
to zoom factor and offset of image using the scrollbars. It now always 
gets pasted at 0,0

* the selection tools should allow pressing shift to go to 'substract' 
mode without adjusting the combobox for the current tool.  (a different 
pointer would be nice as well)

* Pressing save for the first time gives me the 'save document as' dialog 
which is set to 'png' as default file format.
I suggest to set the default format (in the "save as" dialog) to the krita 
format for any image that has more then 1 layer.  

* select a part of the image. Use the move tool.
Note how krita correctly creates a new layer for that copied part, but the 
offset is set to the same as the original layer, it ignores the offset of 
the original layer to the selection.  In other words, my selected part is 
move a lot upwards left, which is kinda unsettling.

* Doing a copy of a selection should IMO remove the selection for that 
layer, I honestly can't think of a reason why I would come back and reuse 
that selection.

* Layers toolbar has a pretty annoying problem.  Clicking on the eye to 
enable/disable a layer only works when the scrollbar is at the top, so if 
there is some offset in the scrollpane the clicks to disable a layer are 
Note that double click for edit layer works fine.

Thomas Zander
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