Layer usuability idea

Thomas Zander zander at
Mon Nov 7 17:33:50 CET 2005

On Monday 07 November 2005 16:41, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> > Previews is fine but not enough because they are often too small.
> > Another idea for that is to display the selected layer line "bigger"
> > than other. I'm thinking about the adept (see
> >
> > ) way of display more information for selected line. We should have a
> > bigger preview and some complementaries informations (such as what is
> > locked, mask, etc...) than for other layers.
> That's a _very_ good suggestion. We will need hierarchical information
> some time, but probably not too soon. I'll see how easy it is to
> abstract the adept fold-out widget.

I'm not sure I understand the suggestion myself. I like the option of 
having hierarchical layers, but I'm sure that is not what you two were 
talking about.

If selecting the layer (making it the active one) means all the other 
layers in the listview will jump from postion because the current one got 
bigger, then I'm not sure I like it very much.
Jumping GUIs makes people feel disoriented and out of control.

We had a suggestion to have a big tooltip for the preview.  I'm not sure 
what the easy solution is if you feel the different toggles take up too 
much space.
We'll see when the new layers diag is going to be designed :)

> I'm having a head cold, so I'm not feeling bright enough to tackle
> Thomas suggestion, but this something the cotton wool that passed for
> brain tissue inside my skull can grasp.

oh :(
Get well soon!

Thomas Zander
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