release time is coming closer

Sven Langkamp longamp at
Mon May 16 14:39:23 CEST 2005

Am Montag, 16. Mai 2005 10:15 schrieb Casper Boemann:
> Now for the next 7:
> * Select freehand (drawing a shape and selecting the contents) does not
> work. Should be disabled.
> As I've already written this should be disabled. What do I have to do: Just
> outcomment in the ?
Yes, and outcomment in

> * The shape tools should (with filled as default) also be available as
>   selection tools. (fixed for ellipse)
> Any takers or should we just postpone it ?
Only polygon selections is missing. What's needed is a polygon fill algorithm.

> * Select wizard appears broken again
> I'm probaply responsible for the bug (the selection commits) but I don't
> know what the wizard is supposed to do. So though I'm probably able to
> solve the problem I need help to find it.
Isn't that the contiguous selection tool?

> * Copy does not work for some selections
> Boudewijn made this entry, but was unable to reproduce when I asked him. So
> unless other can reproduce I'll just remove it from the TODO
This seems to work.

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