No PNG support in Krita?

Adrian Page adrian at
Mon May 2 17:14:42 CEST 2005

Sven Langkamp wrote:
> Am Montag, 2. Mai 2005 14:50 schrieb Adrian Page:
>>Sven Langkamp wrote:
>>>Am Montag, 2. Mai 2005 14:06 schrieb Bart Coppens:
>>>>On Monday 02 May 2005 13:50, Ilia Bazliancov wrote:
>>>>>I got Krita from KOffice 1.4-beta 1 and I can`t find option to export
>>>>>in PNG. Am I wrong or Krita can`t export in PNG?
>>>>Have you tried exporting the image with "Export Image..." from the Image
>>>>menu instead of the file menu? That should work.
>>>That's a mimetype problem. PNG is the first unkown entry in the filetype
>>>list (The second one is Photoshop).
>>>Workaround is name the file <something>.png and use the unknown entry as
>>Actually, this one can be fixed because it's a problem with a .desktop
>>file. If you look for krita_magick_import.desktop and
>>krita_magick_export.desktop in your <kde>/share/services folder, edit
>>these and remove the quotation marks (") from the lines
>>X-KDE-Import="..." and X-KDE-Export="...", save them, exit kde, restart,
>>and the unknown items should change to the missing file types. You
>>should then be able to select PNG directly.
> Works, even without restarting KDE.
> No change in CVS?

It's changed in CVS but it's in koffice/filters/krita so you'd need to 
update and install it from there.


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