alpha and non-alpha models

Casper Boemann cbr at
Fri Mar 18 00:01:41 CET 2005


I was just wondering.

do we even want both alpha and non-alpha versions of colormodels.

Alpha is heavily used in most parts of krita, so why don't we just limit 
ourselves to RGBA, CMYKA, LABA.

Only place where this is somewhat impossible is indexed (which we dont' have 
yet and may never have) and even that could have a boolean alpha

when loading a non-alpha image it would be as simple as adding alpha values, 
and storing, even now involves flattening the image so most alpha is lost.

So out with RGB - we have RGBA
CMYK should be CMYKA and so on

for UI porposes we should not mention A

best regards / venlig hilsen
Casper Boemann

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