releasing inplications

Casper Boemann cbr at
Sun Mar 13 16:16:27 CET 2005

On Sunday 13 March 2005 16:04, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> Anyway, for now:
> - Our first (1.0) release is with KOffice 1.4.
> - I'm all for a really frequent release of Krita HEAD against the KOffice
> 1.4 libs after that.
> Which is pretty much what you were arguing for too, I guess :-).

> Sorry -- I didn't intend to be nasty. It's just that I hadn't expected to
> be still working on the last bits of commented-out code in March :-(.
No offence taken :) But say the exporting is not done because the previous 
version was wrong (it only export current layer). And rather that porting 
something wrong we need to do it right. Not an excuse - but an explaination.

> True -- but those releases will never get the user base a regular release
> gets, if only because KOffice is packaged with distributions that are
> released at most twice a year and sometimes even less frequently. Once a
> release gets into the wild world, we will be getting lots of bug reports
> that we can close with "fixed in cvs".
sure, and this goes nicely along with the WITH ko1.4 PLUS extra releases

best regards / venlig hilsen
Casper Boemann

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