Looks like a release schedule to me

Casper Boemann cbr at boemann.dk
Tue Mar 8 20:51:40 CET 2005

On Tuesday 08 March 2005 13:00, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> On Sunday 06 March 2005 21:12, Casper Boemann wrote:
> > So my suggestion would be to let the layerclass have coordinate
> > transforming functions, and to transforn the coordinates on an as-needed
> > basis inside tools, plugins etc.
> Wouldn't that complicate work for tool & plugin builders -- and lead to a
> lot of duplicated code all over the tools and plugins? In principle, I like
> Bart's solution because it hides the problem behind a single, simple
> interface and makes it invisible for clients of the paint devices.

Yes a small complication. You would have to start with:

xlay = curlayer->toLayerCoordX(x);
ylay = curlayer->toLayerCoordY(y);

but that is not too much is it ?

What of tools that don't use iterators (or even if they just do some auxillary 
calculations). They would need to convert the coords anyway.

I have this horrible nagging feeling that if we do it like Bart speculated 
(even he wasn't sure) we're going to regret it. Still I can't argument better 
at this moment.

best regards / venlig hilsen
Casper Boemann

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