TODO lists

Michael Thaler michael.thaler at
Mon Jan 31 23:26:11 CET 2005

On Monday 31 January 2005 16:01, Casper Boemann wrote:

> NICE, It works, don't know about the right pixel bug though

I think there is no right pixel bug anymore, but I am not really sure. I 
created a rectangle with a 2 pixel border and scaled it up, used undo, scaled 
it down, used undo and so on and suddenly the lower line and the right line 
were missing. It might be that the image size is not set correctly in the 
scaled image.

> It was actually on my todo list, so thanks. This OS collaborative work
> simply rocks :-)

The code still does not use the iterators directly. If noone is interested in 
doing this, I will try it if I find some time (it might take a while because 
I have to do a lot of things for my thesis).

Actually it was the first peace of code I ever contributed to an open source 
project and I somehow feel attached to it:-)


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