Krita compile error

Boudewijn Rempt boud at
Fri Jun 4 14:11:05 CEST 2004

On Friday 04 June 2004 13:54, Bart Coppens wrote:
> Quoting Boudewijn Rempt <boud at>:
> > What's the difference with the checked-in wdg_colorrange.ui?
> I don't know exactly what changed. Things I can see are that it moves
> around a lot of properties and widgets, and that it saves its images in
> XPM.GZ format rather than PNG. I've put a diff at
> , maybe you can see
> other differences?

Strange that there should be so many differences -- and I can imagine that 
compiling with a hacked-down version of the ui file gives problems. It's a 
pity that I don't have access to a lower version of designer. In the 
meantime, however, I've moved the colorrange dialog to a plugin, and Michael 
could perhaps simply disable that plugin in since it doesn't do 
much anyway for now.

I'm working on the selection mask, but I wanted to get Krita ready for real 
work, i.e. producing the screenshots for our website, before continuing with 
selections. I think I'll get the resizing/scaling thing down tonight, using 
simple matrix scaling, and perhaps screenshots using one or another KDE util 
this weekend.

Boudewijn Rempt |

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