High-level pixel access methods

Patrick Julien freak at codepimps.org
Sun Feb 15 13:33:13 CET 2004

On February 15, 2004 07:25 am, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> On Sunday 15 February 2004 10:16, Patrick Julien wrote:
> > Single pixel access from methods is always going to be slow, no matter
> > when they reside.
> But perhaps not as slow as they're now -- I think it's something that's
> really needed. The tile system should be hidden as much as possible from
> the rest of the system. And time and again, one needs to get a pixel, set a
> pixel -- it's what painting apps is all about.

I am not disputing this, nor am I trying to prevent having a getPixel and 
setPixel like functions.  Simply stating that placing these operations in 
KisTileMgr would result in an almost an identical implementation.  So, yes, 
they would be just as slow.

> > So, you basically want a way to access pixels on a line basis without
> > having to think about tiles?
> Yes -- and without having to allocate temporary memory buffers to copy
> the image data into before accessing it. Two examples:

Yes, I know, there is no need for further arguments, I agree, I'm trying to 
figure something using iterators.

The iterators would allow pointer like access to pixels while masking tile 

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