Status !?

Patrick Julien freak at
Fri Aug 22 21:28:22 CEST 2003

On August 22, 2003 04:53 am, Herve Lefebvre wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm very sorry to ask a such question, but I'd like to know was is current
> status of krita ? I mean :
> - Is there still active developpers on the project ?

Nope, too busy with life.

> - Is there any major developments wich haven't been comitted to the CVS ?

Not really, I have 

1) some colorspace work
2) getting ImageMagick out of Krita proper
3) a filter using GraphicMagick
4) I have some optimizations (premultiplied alpha values among others)

None of which are really tested.

> - For wich KDE version is the current CVS version ?

Should work fine with kde >= 3.1

> regards,

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