[kgraphviewer-devel] [kgraphviewer/libkgraphviz] src/kgraphviz: Remove a lot of redundant code in QGI::paint()

Kevin Funk krf at electrostorm.net
Thu Jan 27 15:10:44 CET 2011

Git commit 54b9810be809da56550c48ebc32b4f69f9d797e3 by Kevin Funk.
Pushed by kfunk into branch 'libkgraphviz'.

Remove a lot of redundant code in QGI::paint()

This causes a few regressions but likely improves performance a lot.

M  +0    -304  src/kgraphviz/canvasedge.cpp     
M  +1    -4    src/kgraphviz/canvasedge.h     
M  +191  -123  src/kgraphviz/canvaselement.cpp     
M  +9    -1    src/kgraphviz/canvaselement_p.h     
M  +0    -34   src/kgraphviz/graphedge.cpp     
M  +0    -4    src/kgraphviz/graphedge.h     
M  +1    -1    src/kgraphviz/graphedge_p.h     
M  +2    -0    src/kgraphviz/graphelement.cpp     


diff --git a/src/kgraphviz/canvasedge.cpp b/src/kgraphviz/canvasedge.cpp
index 3928299..b7bb11b 100644
--- a/src/kgraphviz/canvasedge.cpp
+++ b/src/kgraphviz/canvasedge.cpp
@@ -144,310 +144,6 @@ QPainterPath CanvasEdge::shape () const
-void CanvasEdge::paint(QPainter* p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option,
-                   QWidget* widget)
-  Q_UNUSED(option)
-  Q_UNUSED(widget)
-  if (boundingRect() == QRectF())
-    return;
-  /// computes the scaling of line width
-  qreal widthScaleFactor = (scaleX()+scaleY())/2;
-  if (widthScaleFactor < 1)
-  {
-    widthScaleFactor = 1;
-  }
-  if (edge()->style()=="invis")
-  {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (edge()->renderOperations().isEmpty())
-  {
-    if ((edge()->fromNode()->canvasElement()!=0)
-      && (edge()->toNode()->canvasElement()!=0))
-    {
-      p->drawLine(
-        edge()->fromNode()->canvasElement()->boundingRect().center()+edge()->fromNode()->canvasElement()->pos(),
-        edge()->toNode()->canvasElement()->boundingRect().center()+edge()->toNode()->canvasElement()->pos());
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  QColor lineColor = Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtColor(edge()->color(0));
-  QColor backColor;
-  QList<QPointF> allPoints;
-  foreach (const DotRenderOp& dro, edge()->renderOperations())
-  {
-    //     kDebug() << edge()->fromNode()->id() << "->" << edge()->toNode()->id() << "renderop" << dro.renderop << "; selected:" << edge()->isSelected();
-    if (dro.renderop == "c")
-    {
-      QColor c(dro.str.mid(0,7));
-      bool ok;
-      c.setAlpha(255-dro.str.mid(8).toInt(&ok,16));
-      lineColor = c;
-//       kDebug() << "c" << dro.str.mid(0,7) << lineColor;
-    }
-    else if (dro.renderop == "C")
-    {
-      QColor c(dro.str.mid(0,7));
-      bool ok;
-      c.setAlpha(255-dro.str.mid(8).toInt(&ok,16));
-/*      if (m_hovered && m_view->highlighting())
-      {
-        c = c.lighter();
-      }*/
-      backColor = c;
-//       kDebug() << "C" << dro.str.mid(0,7) << backColor;
-    }
-    else if ( dro.renderop == "T" )
-    {
-      const QString& str = dro.str;
-      qreal stringWidthGoal = dro.integers[3] * scaleX();
-      int fontSize = edge()->fontSize();
-      QFont font = CanvasElement::font();
-      if (fontSize > 0)
-        font.setPointSize(fontSize);
-      QFontMetrics fm(font);
-      while (fm.width(str) > stringWidthGoal && fontSize > 1)
-      {
-        fontSize--;
-        font.setPointSize(fontSize);
-        fm = QFontMetrics(font);
-      }
-      p->save();
-      p->setFont(font);
-      p->setPen(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtColor(edge()->fontColor()));
-      qreal x = (scaleX() *
-                       (
-                         (dro.integers[0])
-                         + (((-dro.integers[2])*(fm.width(dro.str)))/2)
-                         - ( (fm.width(dro.str))/2 )
-                       )
-                      )
-                      + marginX();
-      qreal y = ((gh() - (dro.integers[1]))*scaleY())+ marginY();
-      QPointF point(x,y);
-//       kDebug() << edge()->fromNode()->id() << "->" << edge()->toNode()->id() << "drawText" << edge()->fontColor() << point;
-      p->drawText(point,str);
-      p->restore();
-      // save back
-      setFont(font);
-    }      
-    else if (( dro.renderop == "p" ) || (dro.renderop == "P" ))
-    {
-      QPolygonF polygon(dro.integers[0]);
-      for (int i = 0; i < dro.integers[0]; i++)
-      {
-        QPointF point(
-            (int(dro.integers[2*i+1])/*%m_wdhcf*/)*scaleX() +marginX(),
-            (int(gh()-dro.integers[2*i+2])/*%m_hdvcf*/)*scaleY() + marginY()
-                );
-        polygon[i] = point;
-//         kDebug() << edge()->fromNode()->id() << "->" << edge()->toNode()->id()  << point;
-        allPoints.append(point);
-      }
-      if (dro.renderop == "P" )
-      {
-        p->save();
-        p->setBrush(lineColor);
-        p->drawPolygon(polygon);
-//         kDebug() << edge()->fromNode()->id() << "->" << edge()->toNode()->id() << "drawPolygon" << edge()->color(0) << polygon;
-        p->restore();
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        p->setBrush(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtColor("white"));
-      }
-      QPen pen(lineColor);
-      if (edge()->style() == "bold")
-      {
-        pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine);
-        pen.setWidth((int)(2 * widthScaleFactor));
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        pen.setWidth((int)(1 * widthScaleFactor));
-        pen.setStyle(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtPenStyle(edge()->style()));
-      }
-      p->save();
-      p->setPen(pen);
-//       kDebug() << edge()->fromNode()->id() << "->" << edge()->toNode()->id() << "drawPolyline" << edge()->color(0) << polygon;
-      p->drawPolyline(polygon);
-      p->restore();
-    }
-    else if (( dro.renderop == "e" ) || (dro.renderop == "E" ))
-    {
-      qreal w = scaleX() * dro.integers[2] * 2;
-      qreal h = scaleY() *  dro.integers[3] * 2;
-      qreal x = (marginX() + (dro.integers[0]/*%m_wdhcf*/)*scaleX()) - w/2;
-      qreal y = ((gh() -  dro.integers[1]/*%m_hdvcf*/)*scaleY() + marginY()) - h/2;
-      p->save();
-      if (dro.renderop == "E" )
-      {
-        p->setBrush(lineColor);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        p->setBrush(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtColor("white"));
-      }
-      QPen pen(lineColor);
-      if (edge()->style() == "bold")
-      {
-        pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine);
-        pen.setWidth(int(2 * widthScaleFactor));
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        pen.setWidth(int(1 * widthScaleFactor));
-        pen.setStyle(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtPenStyle(edge()->style()));
-      }
-      p->setPen(pen);
-      QRectF rect(x,y,w,h);
-//       kDebug() << edge()->fromNode()->id() << "->" << edge()->toNode()->id() << "drawEllipse" << edge()->color(0) << rect;
-      p->drawEllipse(rect);
-      p->restore();
-    }
-    else if ( dro.renderop == "B" )
-    {
-      uint lineWidth = 1;
-      QPen pen;
-      if (edge()->style() == "bold")
-      {
-        pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine);
-        pen.setWidth(int(2 * widthScaleFactor));
-      }
-      else if (edge()->style() != "filled")
-      {
-        pen.setStyle(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtPenStyle(edge()->style()));
-      }
-      if (edge()->style().left(12) == "setlinewidth")
-      {
-        bool ok;
-        lineWidth = edge()->style().mid(12, edge()->style().length()-1-12).toInt(&ok);
-        pen.setWidth(int(lineWidth * widthScaleFactor));
-      }
-      if (edge()->attributes().contains("penwidth"))
-      {
-        bool ok;
-        lineWidth = edge()->attributes()["penwidth"].toInt(&ok);
-        pen.setWidth(int(lineWidth * widthScaleFactor));
-      }
-      if (edge()->attributes().contains("color"))
-      {
-        kDebug() << "set edge color to " << QColor(edge()->attributes()["color"]).name();
-        lineColor = QColor(edge()->attributes()["color"]);
-      }
-      for (int splineNum = 0; splineNum < edge()->colors().count() || (splineNum==0 && edge()->colors().count()==0); splineNum++)
-      {
-        QPolygonF points(dro.integers[0]);
-        for (int i = 0; i < dro.integers[0]; i++)
-        {
-          // computing of diffX and diffY to draw parallel edges
-          // when asked through the corresponding GraphViz feature
-          qreal nom = (dro.integers[2*dro.integers[0]]-dro.integers[2]);
-          qreal denom = (dro.integers[2*dro.integers[0]-1]-dro.integers[1]);
-          qreal diffX, diffY;
-          if (nom == 0)
-          {
-            diffX = 0;
-            diffY = 2*(edge()->colors().count()/2 - splineNum);
-          }
-          else if (denom ==0)
-          {
-            diffX = 2*(edge()->colors().count()/2 - splineNum);
-            diffY = 0;
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            double pente = nom/denom;
-            if (pente < 0)
-            {
-              diffX = 2*(edge()->colors().count()/2 - splineNum);
-              diffY = edge()->colors().count()/2 + splineNum;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              diffX = 2*(edge()->colors().count()/2 - splineNum);
-              diffY = 2*(edge()->colors().count()/2 - splineNum);
-            }
-          }
-          QPointF p(
-              (dro.integers[2*i+1]/*%m_wdhcf*/*scaleX()) +marginX() + diffX,
-              (gh()-dro.integers[2*i+2]/*%m_hdvcf*/)*scaleY() + marginY() + diffY
-                  );
-          points[i] = p;
-//           kDebug() << edge()->fromNode()->id() << "->" << edge()->toNode()->id()  << p;
-          allPoints.append(p);
-        }
-//        kDebug() << "Setting pen color to " << edge()->color(splineNum);
-        if (splineNum != 0)
-          lineColor = Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtColor(edge()->color(splineNum));
-        pen.setColor(lineColor);
-        p->save();
-//         p->setBrush(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtColor(edge()->color(0)));
-        p->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
-        p->setPen(pen);
-        QPainterPath path;
-        path.moveTo(points[0]);
-        for (int j = 0; j < (points.size()-1)/3; j++)
-        {
-          path.cubicTo(points[3*j + 1],points[3*j+1 + 1], points[3*j+2 + 1]);
-        }
-//         kDebug() << edge()->fromNode()->id() << "->" << edge()->toNode()->id() << "drawPath" << edge()->color(splineNum) << points.first() << points.last();
-        p->drawPath(path);
-        p->restore();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (isSelected())
-  {
-//     kDebug() << "draw square";
-//     p->drawRect(m_boundingRect);
-    qreal maxDist = 0;
-    QPair<QPointF,QPointF> pointsPair;
-    foreach(const QPointF& point1, allPoints)
-    {
-      foreach(const QPointF& point2, allPoints)
-      {
-        if (QLineF(point1, point2).length() > maxDist)
-        {
-          maxDist = QLineF(point1, point2).length();
-          pointsPair = qMakePair(point1, point2);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (maxDist>0)
-    {
-      p->save();
-      //         p->setBrush(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtColor(edge()->color(0)));
-      p->setBrush(Qt::black);
-      p->setPen(Qt::black);
-      p->drawRect(QRectF(pointsPair.first-QPointF(3,3),QSizeF(6,6)));
-      p->drawRect(QRectF(pointsPair.second-QPointF(3,3),QSizeF(6,6)));
-      p->restore();
-    }
-  }
-  p->save();
-  p->setPen(Qt::green);
-  p->drawRect(boundingRect());
-  p->restore();
 void CanvasEdge::computeBoundingRect()
diff --git a/src/kgraphviz/canvasedge.h b/src/kgraphviz/canvasedge.h
index 0fb1679..0c43cb2 100644
--- a/src/kgraphviz/canvasedge.h
+++ b/src/kgraphviz/canvasedge.h
@@ -55,10 +55,7 @@ public:
   virtual void computeBoundingRect();
-  QPainterPath shape () const;
-  void paint(QPainter* p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
-        QWidget *widget);
+  QPainterPath shape() const;
   GraphEdge* edge() const;
diff --git a/src/kgraphviz/canvaselement.cpp b/src/kgraphviz/canvaselement.cpp
index dd34b68..5e0301c 100644
--- a/src/kgraphviz/canvaselement.cpp
+++ b/src/kgraphviz/canvaselement.cpp
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@
 using namespace KGraphViz;
-CanvasElementPrivate::CanvasElementPrivate() :
+CanvasElementPrivate::CanvasElementPrivate(CanvasElement* parent) :
+  q_ptr(parent),
   m_scaleX(0), m_scaleY(0),
   m_xMargin(0), m_yMargin(0),
@@ -54,12 +55,38 @@ CanvasElementPrivate::~CanvasElementPrivate()
+void CanvasElementPrivate::colors(const QString& cs)
+  m_colors = QStringList::split(":", cs);
+//   kDebug() << fromNode()->id() << " -> " << toNode()->id() << ": nb colors: " << d->m_colors.size();
+QString CanvasElementPrivate::color(uint i)
+  Q_Q(const CanvasElement);
+  if (i >= (uint)m_colors.count() && q->element()->attributes().contains("color"))
+  {
+    colors(q->element()->attributes()["color"]);
+  }
+  if (i < (uint)m_colors.count())
+  {
+//     std::cerr << "edge color " << i << " is " << d->m_colors[i] << std::endl;
+//     kDebug() << fromNode()->id() << " -> " << toNode()->id() << "color" << i << "is" << d->m_colors[i];
+    return m_colors[i];
+  }
+  else
+  {
+//     kDebug() << fromNode()->id() << " -> " << toNode()->id() << "no edge color " << i << ". returning " << DOT_DEFAULT_EDGE_COLOR;
+  }
 CanvasElement::CanvasElement(DotGraphView* v,
                              GraphElement* gelement,
                              QGraphicsScene* c,
                              QGraphicsItem* parent)
   : QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem(parent)
-  , d_ptr(new CanvasElementPrivate)
+  , d_ptr(new CanvasElementPrivate(this))
   d->m_element = gelement;
@@ -254,8 +281,6 @@ void CanvasElement::computeBoundingRect()
       if ((*it).renderop == "e" || (*it).renderop == "E")
-//         kDebug() << "integers[0]=" << (*it).integers[0] << "; d->m_wdhcf=" << d->m_wdhcf
-//             << "(*it).integers[0]/*%d->m_wdhcf*/=" << (*it).integers[0]/*%d->m_wdhcf*/;
         qreal w = d->m_scaleX * (*it).integers[2] * 2;
         qreal h = d->m_scaleY * (*it).integers[3] * 2;
         qreal x = d->m_xMargin + (((*it).integers[0]/*%d->m_wdhcf*/)*d->m_scaleX) - w/2;
@@ -302,19 +327,6 @@ void CanvasElement::paint(QPainter* p,
     widthScaleFactor = 1;
-  QString msg;
-  QTextStream dd(&msg);
-  foreach (const DotRenderOp &op, element()->renderOperations())
-  {
-    dd << element()->id() << " an op: " << op.renderop << " ";
-    foreach (int i, op.integers)
-    {
-      dd << i << " ";
-    }
-    dd << op.str << endl;
-  }
-//   kDebug() << msg;
   if (element()->renderOperations().isEmpty() && !d->m_view->isReadOnly())
@@ -333,13 +345,107 @@ void CanvasElement::paint(QPainter* p,
   while (it.hasNext())
+    p->save();
     const DotRenderOp& dro = it.next();
-    if (dro.renderop == "c")
+    if ( dro.renderop == "B" )
+    {
+      uint lineWidth = 1;
+      QPen pen = p->pen();
+      if (element()->style() == "bold")
+      {
+        pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine);
+        pen.setWidth(int(2 * widthScaleFactor));
+      }
+      else if (element()->style() != "filled")
+      {
+        pen.setStyle(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtPenStyle(element()->style()));
+      }
+      if (element()->style().left(12) == "setlinewidth")
+      {
+        bool ok;
+        lineWidth = element()->style().mid(12, element()->style().length()-1-12).toInt(&ok);
+        pen.setWidth(int(lineWidth * widthScaleFactor));
+      }
+      if (element()->attributes().contains("penwidth"))
+      {
+        bool ok;
+        lineWidth = element()->attributes()["penwidth"].toInt(&ok);
+        pen.setWidth(int(lineWidth * widthScaleFactor));
+      }
+      if (element()->attributes().contains("color"))
+      {
+        kDebug() << "set edge color to " << QColor(element()->attributes()["color"]).name();
+        lineColor = QColor(element()->attributes()["color"]);
+      }
+      const int count = d->m_colors.count();
+      for (int splineNum = 0; splineNum < count || (splineNum==0 && count==0); splineNum++)
+      {
+        QPolygonF points(dro.integers[0]);
+        for (int i = 0; i < dro.integers[0]; i++)
+        {
+          // computing of diffX and diffY to draw parallel edges
+          // when asked through the corresponding GraphViz feature
+          qreal nom = (dro.integers[2*dro.integers[0]]-dro.integers[2]);
+          qreal denom = (dro.integers[2*dro.integers[0]-1]-dro.integers[1]);
+          qreal diffX, diffY;
+          if (nom == 0)
+          {
+            diffX = 0;
+            diffY = 2*(count/2 - splineNum);
+          }
+          else if (denom ==0)
+          {
+            diffX = 2*(count/2 - splineNum);
+            diffY = 0;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            double pente = nom/denom;
+            if (pente < 0)
+            {
+              diffX = 2*(count/2 - splineNum);
+              diffY = count/2 + splineNum;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+              diffX = 2*(count/2 - splineNum);
+              diffY = 2*(count/2 - splineNum);
+            }
+          }
+          QPointF p(
+              (dro.integers[2*i+1]/*%m_wdhcf*/*scaleX()) +marginX() + diffX,
+              (gh()-dro.integers[2*i+2]/*%m_hdvcf*/)*scaleY() + marginY() + diffY
+                  );
+          points[i] = p;
+//           kDebug() << element()->fromNode()->id() << "->" << element()->toNode()->id()  << p;
+        }
+//        kDebug() << "Setting pen color to " << element()->color(splineNum);
+        if (splineNum != 0)
+          lineColor = Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtColor(d->color(splineNum));
+        pen.setColor(lineColor);
+        p->save();
+//         p->setBrush(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtColor(element()->color(0)));
+        p->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+        p->setPen(pen);
+        QPainterPath path;
+        path.moveTo(points[0]);
+        for (int j = 0; j < (points.size()-1)/3; j++)
+        {
+          path.cubicTo(points[3*j + 1],points[3*j+1 + 1], points[3*j+2 + 1]);
+        }
+//         kDebug() << element()->fromNode()->id() << "->" << element()->toNode()->id() << "drawPath" << element()->color(splineNum) << points.first() << points.last();
+        p->drawPath(path);
+        p->restore();
+      }
+    }
+    else if (dro.renderop == "c")
       QColor c(dro.str.mid(0,7));
       bool ok;
-      lineColor = c;
+      p->setPen(c);
 //       kDebug() << "c" << dro.str.mid(0,7) << lineColor;
     else if (dro.renderop == "C")
@@ -351,34 +457,72 @@ void CanvasElement::paint(QPainter* p,
         c = c.lighter();
-      backColor = c;
-//       kDebug() << "C" << dro.str.mid(0,7) << backColor;
+      p->setBrush(c);
+      kDebug() << "C" << dro.str.mid(0,7) << backColor;
     else if (dro.renderop == "e" || dro.renderop == "E")
+      const qreal w = scaleX() * dro.integers[2] * 2;
+      const qreal h = scaleY() *  dro.integers[3] * 2;
+      const qreal x = (marginX() + (dro.integers[0]/*%m_wdhcf*/)*scaleX()) - w/2;
+      const qreal y = ((gh() -  dro.integers[1]/*%m_hdvcf*/)*scaleY() + marginY()) - h/2;
+      p->save();
+      if (dro.renderop == "E" )
+      {
+        p->setBrush(backColor);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        p->setBrush(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtColor("white"));
+      }
       QPen pen = p->pen();
-      qreal w = d->m_scaleX * dro.integers[2] * 2;
-      qreal h = d->m_scaleY * dro.integers[3] * 2;
-      qreal x = d->m_xMargin + ((dro.integers[0]/*%d->m_wdhcf*/)*d->m_scaleX) - w/2;
-      qreal y = ((d->m_gh - dro.integers[1]/*%d->m_hdvcf*/)*d->m_scaleY) + d->m_yMargin - h/2;
+      if (element()->style() == "bold")
+      {
+        pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine);
+        pen.setWidth(int(2 * widthScaleFactor));
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        pen.setWidth(int(1 * widthScaleFactor));
+        pen.setStyle(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtPenStyle(element()->style()));
+      }
+      p->setPen(pen);
       QRectF rect(x,y,w,h);
+      p->drawEllipse(rect);
+      p->restore();
+    }
+    else if ( dro.renderop == "L" )
+    {
+//       kDebug() << "Label";
+      QPolygonF points(dro.integers[0]);
+      for (int i = 0; i < dro.integers[0]; i++)
+      {
+        qreal x,y;
+        x = (dro.integers[2*i+1] == d->m_wdhcf)?dro.integers[2*i+1]:dro.integers[2*i+1]/*%d->m_wdhcf*/;
+        y = (dro.integers[2*i+2] == d->m_hdvcf)?dro.integers[2*i+2]:dro.integers[2*i+2]/*%d->m_hdvcf*/;
+        QPointF p(
+                  (x*d->m_scaleX) +d->m_xMargin,
+                  ((d->m_gh-y)*d->m_scaleY) + d->m_yMargin
+                );
+        points[i] = p;
+      }
-      p->setBrush(backColor);
-      pen.setColor(lineColor);
-      if (element()->attributes().contains("penwidth"))
+      QPen pen(lineColor);
+      if (element()->style() == "bold")
-        bool ok;
-        int lineWidth = element()->attributes()["penwidth"].toInt(&ok);
-        pen.setWidth(int(lineWidth * widthScaleFactor));
+        pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine);
+        pen.setWidth(2);
+      }
+      else if (element()->style() != "filled")
+      {
+        pen.setStyle(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtPenStyle(element()->style()));
-//       kDebug() << element()->id() << "drawEllipse" << lineColor << backColor << rect;
-//       rect = QRectF(0,0,100,100);
-      p->drawEllipse(rect);
+//       kDebug() << element()->id() << "drawPolyline" << points;
+      p->drawPolyline(points);
-    else if(dro.renderop == "p" || dro.renderop == "P")
+    else if (dro.renderop == "p" || dro.renderop == "P")
 //       std::cerr << "Drawing polygon for node '"<<element()->id()<<"': ";
       QPolygonF points(dro.integers[0]);
@@ -443,77 +587,6 @@ void CanvasElement::paint(QPainter* p,
-  }
-  it.toFront();
-  while (it.hasNext())
-  {
-    const DotRenderOp& dro = it.next();
-    if (dro.renderop == "c")
-    {
-      QColor c(dro.str.mid(0,7));
-      bool ok;
-      c.setAlpha(255-dro.str.mid(8).toInt(&ok,16));
-      lineColor = c;
-//       kDebug() << "c" << dro.str.mid(0,7) << lineColor;
-    }
-    else if (dro.renderop == "C")
-    {
-      QColor c(dro.str.mid(0,7));
-      bool ok;
-      c.setAlpha(255-dro.str.mid(8).toInt(&ok,16));
-      if (d->m_view->highlighting() && option->state & QStyle::State_MouseOver)
-      {
-        c = c.lighter();
-      }
-      backColor = c;
-//       kDebug() << "C" << dro.str.mid(0,7) << backColor;
-    }
-    else if ( dro.renderop == "L" )
-    {
-//       kDebug() << "Label";
-      QPolygonF points(dro.integers[0]);
-      for (int i = 0; i < dro.integers[0]; i++)
-      {
-        qreal x,y;
-        x = (dro.integers[2*i+1] == d->m_wdhcf)?dro.integers[2*i+1]:dro.integers[2*i+1]/*%d->m_wdhcf*/;
-        y = (dro.integers[2*i+2] == d->m_hdvcf)?dro.integers[2*i+2]:dro.integers[2*i+2]/*%d->m_hdvcf*/;
-        QPointF p(
-                  (x*d->m_scaleX) +d->m_xMargin,
-                  ((d->m_gh-y)*d->m_scaleY) + d->m_yMargin
-                );
-        points[i] = p;
-      }
-      p->save();
-      QPen pen(lineColor);
-      if (element()->style() == "bold")
-      {
-        pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine);
-        pen.setWidth(2);
-      }
-      else if (element()->style() != "filled")
-      {
-        pen.setStyle(Dot2QtConsts::componentData().qtPenStyle(element()->style()));
-      }
-      p->setPen(pen);
-//       kDebug() << element()->id() << "drawPolyline" << points;
-      p->drawPolyline(points);
-      p->restore();
-    }
-  }
-//   kDebug() << "Drawing" << element()->id() << "labels";
-  QString color = lineColor.name();
-  it.toFront();
-  while (it.hasNext())
-  {
-    const DotRenderOp& dro = it.next();
-    if (dro.renderop == "c" || dro.renderop == "C")
-    {
-      color = dro.str.mid(0,7);
-//       kDebug() << dro.renderop << color;
-    }
     else if (dro.renderop == "F")
@@ -522,28 +595,21 @@ void CanvasElement::paint(QPainter* p,
     else if ( dro.renderop == "T" )
-      // we suppose here that the color has been set just before
-      element()->setFontColor(color);
-      // draw a label
-//       kDebug() << "Drawing a label " << dro.integers[0]
-//       << " " << dro.integers[1] << " " << dro.integers[2]
-//       << " " << dro.integers[3] << " " << dro.str
-//         << " (" << element()->fontName() << ", " << element()->fontSize()
-//         << ", " << element()->fontColor() << ")";
-      int stringWidthGoal = int(dro.integers[3] * d->m_scaleX);
+      const qreal stringWidthGoal = dro.integers[3] * scaleX();
       int fontSize = element()->fontSize();
-//       kDebug() << element()->id() << " initial fontSize " << fontSize;
-      d->m_font.setPointSize(fontSize);
-      QFontMetrics fm(d->m_font);
+      QFont font = CanvasElement::font();
+      if (fontSize > 0)
+        font.setPointSize(fontSize);
+      QFontMetrics fm(font);
       while (fm.width(dro.str) > stringWidthGoal && fontSize > 1)
-        d->m_font.setPointSize(fontSize);
-        fm = QFontMetrics(d->m_font);
+        font.setPointSize(fontSize);
+        fm = QFontMetrics(font);
-      p->setFont(d->m_font);
+      p->setFont(font);
       QPen pen(d->m_pen);
@@ -561,7 +627,9 @@ void CanvasElement::paint(QPainter* p,
       p->drawText(point, dro.str);
+    p->restore();
   if (isSelected())
 //     kDebug() << "element is selected: draw selection marks";
diff --git a/src/kgraphviz/canvaselement_p.h b/src/kgraphviz/canvaselement_p.h
index 049a220..1a03016 100644
--- a/src/kgraphviz/canvaselement_p.h
+++ b/src/kgraphviz/canvaselement_p.h
@@ -32,9 +32,17 @@ namespace KGraphViz
 class CanvasElementPrivate
-  CanvasElementPrivate();
+  CanvasElementPrivate(CanvasElement* parent);
+  Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(CanvasElement);
+  CanvasElement* q_ptr;
+  QString color(uint i);
+  void colors(const QString& cs);
+  QStringList m_colors;
   qreal m_scaleX, m_scaleY;
   qreal m_xMargin, m_yMargin, m_gh, m_wdhcf, m_hdvcf;
   GraphElement* m_element;
diff --git a/src/kgraphviz/graphedge.cpp b/src/kgraphviz/graphedge.cpp
index 126d44d..e4d88bf 100644
--- a/src/kgraphviz/graphedge.cpp
+++ b/src/kgraphviz/graphedge.cpp
@@ -96,19 +96,6 @@ const QList< DotRenderOp >& GraphEdge::arrowheads() const
   return d->m_arrowHeads;
-const QStringList& GraphEdge::colors() const
-  Q_D(const GraphEdge);
-  return d->m_colors;
-void GraphEdge::colors(const QString& cs)
-  Q_D(GraphEdge);
-  d->m_colors = QStringList::split(":", cs);
-//   kDebug() << fromNode()->id() << " -> " << toNode()->id() << ": nb colors: " << d->m_colors.size();
 GraphNode* GraphEdge::fromNode() const
   Q_D(const GraphEdge);
@@ -133,31 +120,10 @@ GraphNode* GraphEdge::toNode() const
   return d->m_toNode;
-const QString GraphEdge::color(uint i) 
-  Q_D(const GraphEdge);
-  if (i >= (uint)d->m_colors.count() && m_attributes.find("color") != m_attributes.end())
-  {
-    colors(m_attributes["color"]);
-  }
-  if (i < (uint)d->m_colors.count())
-  {
-//     std::cerr << "edge color " << i << " is " << d->m_colors[i] << std::endl;
-//     kDebug() << fromNode()->id() << " -> " << toNode()->id() << "color" << i << "is" << d->m_colors[i];
-    return d->m_colors[i];
-  }
-  else
-  {
-//     kDebug() << fromNode()->id() << " -> " << toNode()->id() << "no edge color " << i << ". returning " << DOT_DEFAULT_EDGE_COLOR;
-  }
 void GraphEdge::updateWithEdge(const GraphEdge& edge)
   d->m_arrowHeads = edge.arrowheads();
-  d->m_colors = edge.colors();
   d->m_fromNode = edge.fromNode();
   d->m_toNode = edge.toNode();
diff --git a/src/kgraphviz/graphedge.h b/src/kgraphviz/graphedge.h
index 8ae8b7c..f14fe4e 100644
--- a/src/kgraphviz/graphedge.h
+++ b/src/kgraphviz/graphedge.h
@@ -61,10 +61,6 @@ public:
 //   inline QVector< QPair< float, float > >& edgePoints() {return m_edgePoints;}
 //   inline void edgePoints(const QVector< QPair< float, float > >& ep) {m_edgePoints = ep;}
-  const QStringList& colors() const;
-  const QString color(uint i);
-  void colors(const QString& cs); 
 /*  inline void labelX(float x) {m_labelX = x;}
   inline void labelY(float y) {m_labelY = y;}
   inline float labelX() const {return m_labelX;}
diff --git a/src/kgraphviz/graphedge_p.h b/src/kgraphviz/graphedge_p.h
index aa8703d..13d06fc 100644
--- a/src/kgraphviz/graphedge_p.h
+++ b/src/kgraphviz/graphedge_p.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public:
   GraphNode *m_fromNode, *m_toNode;
-  QStringList m_colors;
   QList< DotRenderOp > m_arrowHeads;
diff --git a/src/kgraphviz/graphelement.cpp b/src/kgraphviz/graphelement.cpp
index 7235c5b..75fff56 100644
--- a/src/kgraphviz/graphelement.cpp
+++ b/src/kgraphviz/graphelement.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 #include <kdebug.h>
 #include <QRegExp>
+#include <QStringList>
 #include <graphviz/gvc.h>
 using namespace KGraphViz;

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