[kgraphviewer-devel] KGraphViewer 1.2 and Git

Gaël (aka Kleag) kleag at free.fr
Wed Nov 3 22:10:40 CET 2010


As Millian has noted (thus releasing Massif Visualizer 0.1), I finaly was able 
to correct the building of most of the KGraphViewer packages on the OpenSuse 
Build Service, thus officialy releasing KGraphViewer 2.1. Well, I'll have to 
release soon a 2.1.1 because some include files were not installed, preventing 
to use the DotGraphView widget independently using the library. But I'd like 
also before to change this class to use a d-pointer, avoiding to install 
unwanted includes and being a cleaner library.

Also, you must have noticed due to the traffic on the list that I have asked to 
move kgraphviewer code to git. Thanks to the efficiency of KDE admins, this have 
been done very quickly and you can now access to the projects.kde.org page 
(https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/graphics/kgraphviewer/) to find 
the repository. From the mailing list, I have added Milian, Sandro and Tomaz 
as developpers. If I have forgotten some people, please tell me ! BTW, I don't 
know exactly what the Developper status here gives. Does non-developpers do 
not have write access ?

I will have to find how to create "branches" and "tags" (or equivalents) under 
git to prepare the future release. I'll also have to find another script to 
extract the code and all i18n to create new packages.



P.S.: I should have a blog (on the kde planet) to announce this kind of 

KsirK - a world domination strategy game 

KGraphViewer - a GraphViz dot graphs viewer and editor based on a reusable 

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