[KGet] make kget better :)

Piotr Ćwikła bekon241 at gmail.com
Tue May 3 03:14:43 UTC 2016

Hi Mr.

Can you look addons to firefox "*down them all*"
Is best download manager but i wont heve 1 option from that program into

i wont *Change Name Mask option *in kget

program home page

*http://www.downthemall.net/ <http://www.downthemall.net/>*

*Is script system to hange name if you add link to download you can auto
add info about orginal name added file*

*something like that*
addednamefile - normal in kget

**ext* - normal name + filter add*
*now name is change to **addedname.mp4*

*memy meny filters in DTA program*
*+ext - add* *file extension*

*+text -change link name from orginal link name to (link description)
example Hanibal2016seson1ep3 not orginal link name like video2223455*

*and meny others like month dey year*
and wery nice to add in kget LP. table with number added file like

1.first added file to kget

2.secound add...

4.  next

is help if you add all series and his name is stupid and you need rename it
manualy then i know when i start from file 1 then name 1 add file must be
*some_name_ep01* SIMPLE : )
great program for multiple file name change is RENAME MASTER look and think
how to inplement this to kget :) very help :)


ok good luck :) i wait for update kget Cheers from Poland :)
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