[Kget] Nepomuk-Related Modifications

David Narvaez david.narvaez at computer.org
Sat Mar 23 05:26:24 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I wanted to comment on the attached patch. It improves the way we were
querying for HistoryItems in Nepomuk and fixes a few glitches I found
now that the Nepomuk backend is working again (namely, removing items
or clearing history). It adds an additional link to the Nepomuk Query
Library, but I already asked in KDE Devel and this seems to be
acceptable. You'll find a couple of lines that might seem funny, those
are workarounds  to bugs in Nepomuk and as far as I was able to check,
these are fixed in Nepomuk2.

Which leads us to the Nepomuk2 topic: Just before 4.10 I told Lukas I
wanted to do the Nepomuk2 migration, and later backed off when I saw
that would affect all projects in kdenetwork. It looks like it will be
easier to do this after the Git migration since projects will
apparently be split (see rev 1340341) and will allow us to do our own
CMake magic, I guess.

So, if all is ok with this patch I'll commit it to 4.10 this weekend,
but won't forwardport it to trunk since it would be better to have the
Nepomuk2 solution ready for 4.11. Sounds good?

David E. Narváez
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