[Kget] KGet Runner

Tomas Van Verrewegen tomasvanverrewegen at telenet.be
Wed Sep 23 15:59:21 CEST 2009

> Had a look there, looks great to me... when the KNotification is fixed we
> should push this to trunk imo, implement the protocols() stuff there and
>  merge it in there...
Will I'll look into this tonight. Then the next version can go into trunk.

> Also we need to remove the temporary config-dialog...
When you guys fix protocols()...

> PS: I saw you used GPLv3, I have no clue whether KDE is fine with v3 only,
>  as long as they are, I am as well... :) (KGet is v2+)
To be honest, I just copy/pasted the license from another runner. Maybe it's 
best to use the same license as the rest of KGet.

One other thing: should I update the .desktop files with translated names, or 
how does this work?

Yours, Tomas

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