[Kget] Fail to build 4.3 branch

Knut Morten Johansson knut at johansson.com
Sat Oct 31 23:34:38 CET 2009

>http://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&revision=1038263 This is the revision 
>which fixes it in trunk...
>Do you know if there will be an additionally KDE 4.3 release? If so, I will 
>apply this patch to the branch...


It seems very much like it would, from the announcement page the latest 
release is KDE 4.3.2. When I look in my about box, I get version 4.3.3.

And from http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.3_Release_Schedule it say:

October 30th, 2009: Tag KDE 4.3.3 
November 3rd, 2009: Release KDE 4.3.3 

If the dates are exact or not, I do not know. Perhaps a good idea to check 
with the release team. If it's tagged already, it should get fixed and re-

Best regards

Am Samstag 31 Oktober 2009 21:13:00 schrieb Knut Morten Johansson:
> Hi
> KGet in4.3 branch fail to build on cuurrent update of kdenetwork.
> Build fails with:

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