[Kget] Fix for #188673

Carsten Pfeiffer pfeiffer at kde.org
Tue Jun 23 22:55:13 CEST 2009


I've had no free time for a while, but at least I managed to commit the fix 
for https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=188673 today. The fix went to the 4.2 
branch as well as trunk. I only tested the branch though, because don't have a 
development environment for trunk atn. So I'd be happy if someone could verify 
that downloading a dynamically generated file with a "suggested filename" 
works in trunk as well.

You can test it by visiting this page with konqueror 
which should invoke kget such that it will download a file called
"notes-helpful-errormessage.png". (The filedialog asks you where to save this 
file to). Also verify that the result is indeed a correct png file, and not 
the php page itself.

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