[Kget] Patch for "Import Links" dialog.

FiNeX finex at finex.org
Wed May 7 10:58:03 CEST 2008

Hi! I've done a small patch for improve the "Import Links" dialog.

There are two main changes:

1) I've added a "unselect all" button which is useful: just think if you have 
a list with a lot of links and you need to unselect all of them :-)

2) I've improved (read: make it works) the "free" text filter. Without my 
patch the filter doesn't work in some cases, for example searching a 
substring... or an extension... in pratice it doesn't work.

If you all agree, the patch could be applied for improving a bit this dialog. 
I've also found other problems, but them are minor issues.

Apart from this, there is another question which I've discussed with Javier 
(jgoday) about the check box for filtering out web content (.html, .php, .jsp 
and so on).

I've pointed him out on some reasonable usecases which make me doubt of the 
utility of that check box:

1_ Tom (our example user ^_^ ) has a list with some URLs of archives to 
-> the filter archive is ok (but even the "all" filter is ok).

2_ Tom save a webpage with a lot of links, he need to download some of them
( let assume that the page contains a lot of URI of different types: archives, 
images, musics, webpages... )

2.1_ He is interested in .zip files:
-> filter archive

2.2_ He wants to download .mp3 from the page:
-> filter media

2.3_ Tom wans to download only .html files from the saved page:
-> in the "all" filter check the "show web content" and manually filter html 
on the filter box (which actually doesn't work due to a problem on the 
filter but I've solved with my patch)

2.4_ He is intersted in jpg images:
-> filter "all" (with or without the check for filter out webcontent) and 
manually filter "jpg" (which actually doesn't work due to a problem on the 
filter, like 2.3... :-) )

3_ Tom use a list with only .html and .jpg URI, he wants to download 
only .jpg:
-> filter "all" with the check "show web content" unselected (default)

The "show web content" hasn't helped us: using filters (audio, video, archive) 
the "web contents" are filtered out. Using "all" i needed to manually set 
filters which filter needed files (point 2). Only in the third case It 
filtered out unwanted data, but it was a coincidence because the source file 
was well done.

Anyway, the dialog works, with my patch it is a bit better, this is not a big 
issue, so tell me only what do you think about. :-)

Goodbye all and thanks for the patience to read this long email. Maybe next 
time I'll spent my time on a more important question :-)

by FiNeX
finex (@) finex (.) org
* * *  www.finex.org * * *
Linux Registered User #306523
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