[Kget] Usability Review - IRC meeting

Florian Graessle holehan at kde.org
Thu Aug 9 11:22:00 CEST 2007

Hi everyone,

some time ago the KDE usability team was approached by the KGEt
developers who asked for a review of the KGet download manager. Tina
Trillitzsch and I stepped up and conducted a heuristic evaluation of the
current svn version. In a first IRC meeting a few days ago we addressed
issues with the drop target, the links list and the Konqueror integration.

In the meantime we added the remaining issues and info about the
evaluation method to the wiki at http://reviews.holehan.org/KGet . We
would now like to invite all KGet developers to a second IRC meeting to
discuss these findings. As the KGet developers are spread all around the
globe I suggest the following procedure to find an appropriate date and
time: If you are interested in participating in the IRC discussion,
please visit http://www.doodle.ch/dppeUTx585eA , enter your name and
check all the dates when you can make it. Eventually we will hopefully
have a time slot that suits everyone :)

Looking forward to the meeting,
Florian and Tina

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