Keyboard shortcut for "Assign to map center"

Tobias Leupold tl at
Tue May 21 22:31:30 BST 2024

E-Mail von Robert Menger vom Dienstag, 21. Mai 2024, 22:35:17 CEST:
> Dear developers of kgeotag,
> Im currently geotagging my entire collection of thousands of pictures,
> where every picture was taken at a different spot and I need to select
> that spot on the map an than assign the current map-position to the image.
> Works pretty well except that a keyboard-shortcut is missing to perform
> that action to the current selection (or if nothing is selected the
> topmost image).
> Is there a way to implement a new shortcut? If someone could point me to
> the right direction in the code (and a tutorial how to build), I could
> also create a PR on GH.
> best
> Robert

Hi Robert!

(best thing would be to subscribe to the mailing list, your message needed 
approval ...)

This is a nice idea!

I thought this would be quite trivial to implement, but it's not ... I tried 
to use the main window's KActionCollection to add the respective context menu 
action. Problem is that both the "assigned" and the "unassigned" list use the 
same context menu ... at least I think so, the program simply crashed due to 
an empty images list (most probably from the "unassigned" images list) that 
shouldn't be empty. I didn't track it back completely though. However, I think 
that the context menu's action is the wrong place to do it, as we want to use 
a global shortcut here.

I think we need additional logic for this. A top-level main window action like 
"Assign all currently selected or viewed images to the map center" or so. 
Which then checks if one or more unassigned images are currently selected, or 
some images in the combined list. Or if an image is currently previewed, which 
we may want to assign.

Question is what logic we need to add here. What's your exact workflow? What 
exact behavior would you expect?

May actually not be trivial at all the longer I think about it, but maybe, we 
can improve that kind of tagging a lot by it.

Thanks for you input and for your help :-)

Cheers, Tobias

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