[frameworks-baloo] [Bug 428105] Can't find hidden files even when hidden files are set to be indexed

bugzilla_noreply at kde.org bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Sun Mar 21 07:53:52 GMT 2021


--- Comment #8 from tagwerk19 at innerjoin.org ---
Looking at this With Neon Testing...

    Dolphin : 20.12.3
    Plasma : 5.21.3
    Frameworks : 5.81.0
    Qt : 5.15.2

Make sure baloo is running and indexing the home directory, set 'index hidden
files', check balooshow:

    balooshow -x ~/.bash_logout

    Internal Info
    Terms: $ 1 = Mplain Mtext T5 T8 X20-7 bash bin by clear console
    executed exits fi if increase leaving login logout privacy q screen
    shell shlvl the then to usr when x ~
    File Name Terms: Fbash Flogout
    XAttr Terms:
    lineCount: 7 


    baloosearch .bash

and check that Dolphin is showing hidden file and search there as well. That
"works for me..."


With the baloo settings as per Fedora that index the XDG folders and not the
home directory:


If you search from 'Home' in Dolphin, it won't be baloo that gives you the
results. In this instance I do not see the .bash files. Dolphin's "fall back"
search seemingly does not find hidden files

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