D9826: [dolphin] Let users search everywhere

Michael Heidelbach noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Jan 11 18:19:15 GMT 2018

michaelh added a comment.

  The current behaviour is one of the reasons why I preferred find or baloosearch on the command line.
  We don't need an extra button to search home.  If you want to search home. Go to home and search from there.
  Consider the following scenario:
    $ time find ~/devel -type f | wc -l 
    real    1m28,786s
    user    0m1,174s
    sys     0m5,122s
  searching w/ dolphin is approximately 10x slower.
  User checks 'everywhere' and expects to wait a long time for the result.
  During search there is no indication which folder is just hit.
  So only when the search is finished she realizes something went wrong.
  Maybe adjusts the search term and goes through the procedure again. For nothing.
  Worse is, during search symbolic links are followed
  Install wine and you get by default
    ~/.wine/dosdevices/z: => /
  So currently without knowing the user is in fact searching the whole harddisk
  Who is fully aware of all symbolic links inside the home folder?
  The 'everywhere' button *does* make sense, when searching with baloo. (Very fast, BTW)
  I'm not at all against restricting search to home, but the GUI has to make that clear.
  IMHO its best to disable 'everywhere' when searching with filenamesearch.
  You still go to / and start your search.
  @ngraham/VDG: I think the filesearch box needs to be changed. Please tell me a place where we can discuss my observations.
  @anthonyfieroni: I'm aware of that. My point is: I we give the option to the user to search everywhere we should do so.

  R318 Dolphin


To: michaelh, #dolphin, elvisangelaccio
Cc: anthonyfieroni, ngraham, michaelh, spoorun, navarromorales, isidorov, firef, andrebarros, alexeymin, genaxxx, emmanuelp
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