D8855: Use Kio::KPlacesModel as source model for PlacesItemModel
Elvis Angelaccio
noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Dec 3 14:52:07 GMT 2017
elvisangelaccio requested changes to this revision.
elvisangelaccio added inline comments.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.
> placesitem.cpp:159
> + const QString urlScheme = url().scheme();
> + return (urlScheme.contains(QStringLiteral("search")) || urlScheme.contains(QStringLiteral("timeline")));
> }
`contains()` has a `QLatin1String` overload which should be preferred.
> placesitemmodel.cpp:54-57
> -#ifdef HAVE_BALOO
> - #include <Baloo/Query>
> - #include <Baloo/IndexerConfig>
> -#endif
Please also remove `#include <config-baloo.h>` from the header file
> placesitemmodel.cpp:85-86
> {
> - qDeleteAll(m_bookmarkedItems);
> - m_bookmarkedItems.clear();
> + delete m_sourceModel;
> + m_sourceModel = nullptr;
> }
Maybe we can use a QScopedPointer for `m_sourceModel`?
> placesitemmodel.cpp:148
> - for (int i = 0; i < count(); ++i) {
> - const QUrl itemUrl = placesItem(i)->url();
> - if (url == itemUrl) {
> - // We can't find a closer one, so stop here.
> - foundIndex = i;
> +// look for the coorrect position for the item based on source model
> +void PlacesItemModel::insertSortedItem(PlacesItem* item)
typo: correct
> placesitemmodel.cpp:198
> +{
> + const QModelIndex sIndex = mapToSource(index);
> + const PlacesItem *changedItem = placesItem(mapFromSource(sIndex));
Please call it `sourceIndex`
> placesitemmodel.cpp:439
> + // Create default view-properties for all "Search For" and "Recently Saved" bookmarks
> + // in case if the user has not already created custom view-properties for a corresponding
> + // query yet.
Sounds like `if` should not be in this sentence.
> placesitemmodel.cpp:551
> -void PlacesItemModel::loadBookmarks()
> -{
> - KBookmarkGroup root = m_bookmarkManager->root();
> - KBookmark bookmark = root.first();
> - QSet<QString> devices = m_availableDevices;
> + const int blockSize = (end - start) + 1;
remove one space before `+`
> placesitemmodel.cpp:571
> + for (int r = topLeft.row(); r <= bottomRight.row(); r++) {
> + const QModelIndex sIndex = m_sourceModel->index(r, 0);
> + const KBookmark bookmark = m_sourceModel->bookmarkForIndex(sIndex);
> placesitemmodel.cpp:672
> int dropIndex = index;
> - const PlacesItem::GroupType type = item->groupType();
> + const QString type = item->group();
Please call it `group`
> placesitemmodel.cpp:853-855
> - // As long as the KFilePlacesView from kdelibs is available, the system-bookmarks
> - // for "Recently Saved" and "Search For" should be a setting available only
> - // in the Places Panel (see description of AppNamePrefix for more details).
There is a similar comment where we define `AppNamePrefix`, should that be also removed?
> placesitemmodel.h:68-69
> + /**
> + * @brief Mark an item as hiden
> + * @param index of the item to be hiden
> + */
typo: hidden
> placesitemmodel.h:122
> - void clear() override;
> + virtual void clear() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
> placesitemmodeltest.cpp:152
> QStringList urls;
> - for (int row = 0; row < m_model->count(); ++row) {
> - urls << m_model->placesItem(row)->url().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile);
> + if (model == nullptr) {
> + model = m_model;
`!model` ?
> placesitemmodeltest.cpp:193
> +{
> + // user hardcoded path to avoid removal of any user persnonal data
> + QDir dir(QStringLiteral("/home/renato/.qttest/share/placesitemmodeltest"));
typo: personal
R318 Dolphin
To: renatoo, elvisangelaccio, emmanuelp, mlaurent
Cc: mlaurent, anthonyfieroni, nicolasfella, ngraham, #dolphin
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