Review Request 118961: Treat video thumbnails the same as image thumbnails

Emmanuel Pescosta emmanuelpescosta099 at
Sun Jun 29 23:32:11 BST 2014

> On June 26, 2014, 9:15 p.m., Emmanuel Pescosta wrote:
> > Thanks for the patch!
> > 
> > Applying a shadow frame to video thumbnails really makes sense, but I think we should go even further and apply it to other thumbnails as well.
> Diego Soenens wrote:
>     Which ones are you thinking of? There are some that shouldn't have it I think like .exe and .ico files because more often than not they have transparency.
>     Also, what would be the best way to discriminate between them (checking dozens of mime types would get ugly really fast)?
>     Sorry I'm new to all this :).
> Emmanuel Pescosta wrote:
>     > they have transparency.
>     Transparency is no problem, we only use the bounding rect for the shadow effect.
>     I think of PDFs, (odf, txt, ...) documets and so on - almost all thumbnails.
>     IMHO mixing flat thumbails with shadow applied thumbnails looks bad (hee before.png).
>     So why not applying it to all thumbnails? 
>     > checking dozens of mime types would get ugly really fast
>     Yep whitelisting a lot of types is a no-go, but if we apply the shadow to all
>     thumbnails we only need to check if the current item is a directory.
>     > Sorry I'm new to all this
>     Np, feel free to ask questions and just write down your thoughts ;)
>     We should better wait for Frank.
> Diego Soenens wrote:
>     > So why not applying it to all thumbnails?
>     Most ThumbCreator's return the ThumbCreator::DrawFrame flag in their flags() function to draw a 1px frame around the image to give them a depth/3d-ish effect for example.
>     This causes the preview to appear blurry around the edge when combined with the shadow frame (see
>     I guess those preview plugins could be updated afterwards to change the flag they return to ThumbCreator::None?
> Emmanuel Pescosta wrote:
>     > Most ThumbCreator's return the ThumbCreator::DrawFrame flag in their flags() function to draw a 1px frame around the image to give them a depth/3d-ish effect for example.
>     In my opinion this should be changed. A thumbnail shoud only be an image of the actual data without a frame because drawing shadows and so on should definitely be 
>     part of the application. This "always" draw an frame around some thumbnails is also bad in the information panel.
>     But please wait for Franks opinion ;)
> Frank Reininghaus wrote:
>     I'm not sure if we should apply shadows to all thumbnails. We even got negative feedback about the shadows for images from users who work a lot with icons and other images which have a lot of transparency. Shadows make less sense for this kind of image than for, e.g., photos. I think that adding shadows to video thumbnails might make sense though - thanks for working on it!
>     I'm not familiar with the ThumbCreator flags - where does this drawing of the 1 pixel frame happen?
> Diego Soenens wrote:
>     Yeah I agree.
>     > I'm not familiar with the ThumbCreator flags - where does this drawing of the 1 pixel frame happen?
>     It seems to be handled in kde-runtime/kioslave/thumbnail/thumbnail.cpp (line 287).

> We even got negative feedback about the shadows for images from users who work a lot with icons
Ok good point. But what about shadows for documents, e.g. PDFs or ODTs? 
I think shadow also makes sense in these cases.

IMHO we should apply shadows to all different kinds of thumbnails and only exclude icons and other problematic types.
(Example - other FM with shadows on documents:

- Emmanuel

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On June 26, 2014, 8:59 p.m., Diego Soenens wrote:
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated June 26, 2014, 8:59 p.m.)
> Review request for Dolphin.
> Repository: kde-baseapps
> Description
> -------
> A minor (but very noticeable) inconsistency that has been bugging me in Dolphin is the fact that video thumbnails don't get the nice shadow frame added that image thumbnails have.
> Video snapshots are essentially images, and often times these two file types will be in the same folder. So to me it doesn't make sense to treat them differently.
> Diffs
> -----
>   dolphin/src/kitemviews/kfileitemmodelrolesupdater.cpp 0865d40 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Works fine (see before/after screenshots).
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> Before
> After
> Thanks,
> Diego Soenens

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