Review Request 115018: Use the QMap iterator instead of foreach(key, map.keys()).

Mark Gaiser markg85 at
Wed Jan 15 14:14:27 GMT 2014

Replying by mail since reviewboard doesn't seem to respond right now.

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Frank Reininghaus <frank78ac at
> wrote:

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> Ship it!
> Thanks for the patch! I first thought that replacing the foreach loop would probably not affect the performance much, but when iterating the keys of a QMap, rather than, e.g., the elements of a QVector, it saves the creation of the temporary list returned by itemStates.keys() (I guess that this was also the explanation that Thiago gave - maybe it was in a private discussion, Mark? I could not see any comment from Thiago here).
> Yes, he mailed in private.

But i don't think he minds if i paste it here since it's quite educational!

Quote from Thiago:
It's not a matter of taste.
If you iterate using the iterators, you get O(n) complexity and O(1)
If you iterate using keys(), you get O(n log n) complexity and O(n) memory.

It's quite amazing how educational that is. With just a few lines :)

> One could in principle move the declaration of 'it' into the for statement, but I assume that you did not do this in order to prevent that the line gets too long? Either solution is fine for me.
> - Frank Reininghaus
> On January 15th, 2014, 12:03 a.m. UTC, Emmanuel Pescosta wrote:
>   Review request for Dolphin.
> By Emmanuel Pescosta.
> *Updated Jan. 15, 2014, 12:03 a.m.*
>  *Repository: * kde-baseapps
> Description
> Use the QMap iterator instead of foreach(key, map.keys()) in UpdateItemStatesThread::run() and in VersionControlObserver::slotThreadFinished().
>   Testing
> Works ;)
>   Diffs
>    - dolphin/src/views/versioncontrol/updateitemstatesthread.cpp (6be07d3)
>    - dolphin/src/views/versioncontrol/versioncontrolobserver.cpp (4d939ee)
> View Diff <>
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