Review Request 115612: Apply zoom level to font size.

Frank Reininghaus frank78ac at
Wed Feb 12 12:28:54 GMT 2014


2014-02-10 9:39 GMT+01:00 Jonas Oscarsson:

> Hi Frank,
> No there hasn't been any discussion about this, I just thought it made
> more sense if the whole view (including the text) followed the zoom level,
> as the zoom works like this in most other programs.

what exactly do you mean with "most other programs"? Web browsers come to
my mind, but since every page uses its own custom font anyway, I don't
think that these can really be compared to Dolphin.

I see that you can change the font size in text editors like Kate or in
Konsole with Ctrl+mouse wheel, but there the font is the only thing whose
size can be changed, so I think that this comparison is not valid either.

> In my specific case I just want to temporarily increase the size of the
> whole view when I'm connected to the TV-set, as it's hard to both read the
> text and see the icons from the couch, but I don't want to have to change
> the settings each time I connect to the TV-set.

OK, I see. I understand this use case, but I think it's a corner case.
Linking the icon size to the font size would probably do more harm than
good because it is unexpected in most other use cases, as I have tried to
point out earlier.

Maybe the best solution would be an application that runs in the background
and that changes the global font settings if a particular display is
connected to the computer. (However, note that Dolphin does currently not
respect font settings changes unless it is restarted, see

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