Dolphin user study

Dr. Heiko Tietze heiko.tietze at
Mon May 6 15:15:52 BST 2013


announced for quite some time we finally started the user study today. It is 
designed as a survey about strength and weakness of any file manager. So we 
will analyse Dolphin in respect to other tools and users.

The call for participation including the link to the study can be found here:

The more people with different operating system or desktop environment 
participate the more relevant the results will become. Therefore, please share 
the link.

Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Heiko Tietze
Research & Project Management
T +49 30 6098548-22 | M +49 179 1268509

User Prompt GmbH | Psychological IT Expertise
Gruenberger Str. 49, 10245 Berlin |
HRB 14227 | AG Berlin Charlottenburg | Geschaeftsfuehrer Bjoern Balazs

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