Delayed icon loading in KFileItem and dolphin

David Faure faure at
Thu Mar 28 18:15:48 GMT 2013

On Thursday 28 March 2013 14:00:59 Frank Reininghaus wrote:
> at the moment, we indeed determine mime types, icons and/or previews
> asynchronously for *all* items

Not all, surely?

For icons from desktop files, it's only asynchronous on slow mounts.

For mimetype determination, it's only asynchronous when the extension is 
unknown, or conflicting.

> , which can make the CPU and hard drive
> busy for quite some time. I'm actually planning to change this and
> only do that for the items that are either currently visible 

This sounds almost like my very old code in KMimeTypeResolver which isn't used 
anymore... Well, it would end up determining all files, but it was definitely 
doing the visible icons first. However the code isn't used anymore, AFAIK.

> reachable by scrolling up/down one or two pages or by pressing
> Home/End. I hope that I will get it done in time for KDE 4.11. The
> current approach is a huge waste of resources in directories with many
> items because it's extremely unlikely that the user will scroll
> through all of them.

At the same time, if the user moves the scrollbar to the bottom, or types a 
letter to search for a specific file, he/she will get the ugly experience of 
seeing "unknown icons turn into nice icons".... so I wonder if we really want 

David Faure, faure at,
Working on KDE, in particular KDE Frameworks 5

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