4 usability bugs in Dolphin: documented with screenshots

"Gérard Talbot" browserbugs at gtalbot.org
Fri Mar 15 23:35:40 GMT 2013

Dear Dolphin developers,

Sorry for not reporting these bugs so far.

Since about 3-4 weeks, whenever I work with Dolphin and encounter what I
sincerly believe are usability bugs or bad translation or inoperability
issues, I quickly took a screenshot. I did not have time to file bug
reports; please believe me, I am a very busy man.


First attached .png screenshot image:
KDE-delete-instead-of-remove-USB-tooltip.png , 854px by 472px , 100 KBytes

In french, we can clearly read the following in the tooltip:
"Cliquez pour supprimer ce périphérique en toute sécurité"
which you can translate (in English) as
"Click to safely delete the device."

The correct translation should have been saying instead something like
"Click to safely remove the device."
"Click to safely remove the removable device."
or (even best)
"Click to safely remove the USB device."
or even
"Cliquez pour retirer cette clé USB en toute sécurité."

One of the most annoying thing about this tooltip is that it pops up and
only last 5-6 seconds!! And it overlaps another pop up!

There is another usability issue with that screenshot. Iconography,
logography, pictography, ideography everywhere nowadays. What does a black
triangle with a short horizontal black line inside a white-ish round area
means? In the asbolute, nothing. In the relativity, not much or hard to
say for non-initiated people.

Operating systems, websites and browsers now over-use, mis-use,
over-excessively use icons, logos of all sorts, pictograms/ideographs
everywhere, all the time. Often, their presence do not help the users.

A normal user would have first to hover his mouse cursor over that black
triangle with a short horizontal black line inside a white-ish round area,
then be able to read all the text (8 words) in less than 4-6 seconds.

If I had right-clicked in "Places" sidebar the USB key, then the first
item message (still identified with such black triangle with a short
horizontal black line inside a white-ish round area) would say something
totally different, radically different:

Second attached .png screenshot image:
KDE-free-or-unmount-USB-tooltip.png , 639px by 196px, 14KBytes

"Libérer «Media amovible de 3.7 Go» en toute sécurité"
which could be translated as
"Safely free (or unmount) removable media device of 3.7 Gb"

I still think this is bad translation in French. It should be saying in

"Retirer «Media amovible de 3.7 Go» en toute sécurité"
and not "Libérer".

1- inconsistent messages
2- wrong, erroneous message
3- rather poor translation
4- Tooltip should not be time-dependent but rather
These 4 issues can be corrected, improved.


In French, Favoris and Signets are both used when only 1 of the 2 term
should be used. It's either Favoris or its Signets. Using both terms can
only create confusion. It would be like using sometimes "Favorites"
(english) and using sometimes "Bookmarks" (english) to designate the very
same items.

The use of Signets seems incorrect. But even Favoris is not best either.

3rd attached .png screenshot image:
KDE-favoris-versus-signets.png , 600px by 509px , 51KBytes


I found other bugs like those. Usability bugs. Bugs that makes the tasks
of an ordinary KDE user harder, more difficult, more prone to confusion,
hesitation, misunderstanding. I will file bug reports for the next ones.

I am a proud Kubuntu 12.10, KDE 4.10.1, i686 (32bits), Linux
3.5.0-25-generic, Qt: 4.8.3, Dolphin version 2.2 user.

+CC: Myriam Schweingruber because she will see that there can be problems
with the use of words like Favorites
+CC: Aurélien Gâteau because he must be understanding French.

Gérard Talbot
Konqueror Implementation Report of CSS 2.1 test suite (RC6): 9418 testcases
55 Bugs in Konqueror 4.10.1
Contributions to the CSS 2.1 test suite
CSS 2.1 Test suite RC6, March 23rd 2011
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