KFileMetadataConfigurationWidget Exception

Frank Reininghaus frank78ac at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 26 20:54:47 BST 2013


2013/6/26 Vishesh Handa:
> Hey guys
> I know I've already asked my fair share of exceptions, but this one is
> just to fix some bugs [1]
> With the 4.10 release we moved the KFileMetadataWidget used in Dolphin
> to the Nepomuk2::FileMetadataWidget. This all went really smoothly and
> the user experience has been much better.
> Unfortunately, I did not think about the widget that is used to
> configure these settings - KFileMetadataConfigurationWidget. This
> widget internally uses the KFileMetadaProvider (aka Strigi and
> Nepomuk1).
> In order to fix these bugs, I will need to copy the
> KFileMetadataWidget from kdelibs/kio to nepomuk-widgets and make it
> use the Nepomuk2::FileMetadataProvider.
> The class will about a 90% copy of the KFileMetadataConfigWidget.
> Non Technical Explanation of the Problem : This configuration widget
> looks at the values being shown and shows a list of all the properties
> and allows the user to choose which ones should be shown. The old
> widget tries to extract the values from strigi and then allows the
> user to filter them. As you people know, my indexer works rather
> better than Strigi, so quite often more values are shown in the
> sidebar and the user has no way to disable them or enable them (in the
> case they are filtered by default)

given that it is mostly a copy of the old code and that it will indeed
fix a couple of bugs, I personally don't have any objections, even if
it is a bit late already.


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