KFileItemActions - why does it remember the actions it created, and deletes them?

Frank Reininghaus frank78ac at googlemail.com
Fri Dec 13 08:07:23 GMT 2013


thanks David for the detailed reply, and sorry for not reading the
documentation before asking stupid questions ;-)

2013/12/12 David Faure:
> On Thursday 12 December 2013 18:38:23 Frank Reininghaus wrote:
>> 1. In the openItemContextMenu() member of DolphinContextMenu, which
>> inherits KMenu, we create a KFileItemActions instance on the stack,
>> and use it to add actions to "this". The actions thus become children
>> of "this".
> Let me quote from the KFileItemActions documentation:
>     /**
>      * Set the parent widget for any dialogs being shown.
>      *
>      * This should normally be your mainwindow, not a popup menu,
>      * so that it still exists even after the popup is closed
>      * (e.g. error message from KRun) and so that QAction::setStatusTip
>      * can find a statusbar, too.
>      */
>     void setParentWidget(QWidget* widget);
> *not a popup menu* :-)
> The documentation is incomplete though - what it forgets to say (oops), is
> that this parent widget will also be the parent of the actions.
> I can't remember why it works this way, but at least I think you have an easy
> solution: call setParentWidget(mainwindow).

Actually, we do call


already in DolphinContextMenu::addServiceActions(KFileItemActions&

Hm. The user said that he closed the Dolphin window by clicking the
"X" in the top-right corner of the window. So it seems that both the
main window and its context menu child somehow were deleted inside the
menu's exec() method with the nested event loop. Now I see two ways to
explain the crash:

1. The mainwindow, which is the owner of the QActions created by the
KFIleItemActions instance, somehow gets deleted, and thus deletes its
children, including the actions. Therefore, the KFileItemActions
destructor tries to delete dangling pointers (I see nothing in
kfileitemactions.cpp that prevents appending the created actions to
m_ownActions, and deleting them in the destructor, if a parent widget
has been set?).

2. Another problem might be that after returning from the event loop,
we are inside DolphinContextMenu::openItemContextMenu(), the method of
a deleted object. Therefore, accessing local variables of that
function, living on the stack, might not be really safe, right? Just
calling KFileItemAction's destructor might be enough to cause trouble
then. I think that this could be resolved by allocating the
KFileItemActions instance on the heap and setting the context menu as
the parent.

Maybe I'll try to do some experiments. If I could only reproduce the crash...


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