Checking about dolphin fixes and changes

Frank Reininghaus frank78ac at
Wed Sep 5 15:48:49 BST 2012

Hi Todd,

thanks for sharing your ideas!

2012/9/5 Todd:
> I use dolphin quite a bit, so I want to try to make some improvements.
> However, I think it is best to make sure the changes are acceptable before
> implementing them.  Here is what I am planning so far:
> 1. General standardization of folder-like items (breadcrumb bar, places,
> folders panel, etc).  This includes several things (of course in multiple
> review request):
> a. Make sure that everything that could be seen as a folder supports
> middle-click to open in a new tab.
> b. Outside the file view, support ctrl+click to open in a new tab (good for
> touch pads that don't support middle click, or click at all).  Of course
> this can't be used in the file view.
> c. make sure that everything that could be seen as a folder supports
> dropping
> d. make sure that everything that could be seen as a folder respects the
> "open folders during drag operations" setting
> See:

Yes, I think that this makes sense! Note that a part of d is already
in progress, see

> 2. Currently you have to manually switch the location bar between edit and
> breadcrumb modes.  My proposal is to have an option to automatically return
> to the default mode when the bar loses focus.  The use case is for people
> who almost always use one mode, but occasionally use another mode briefly.
> Alternatively, restrict this only to breadcrumb mode (I personally rarely
> use edit mode so I can't say if there is a use-case for automatically
> returning to edit mode).
> See
> 3. Add an "expand all", "collapse all", "expand selected", and "collapse
> selected" right-click items when in details view.
> Are these all acceptable?  I think 1 is pretty straightforward, 2 and 3 I
> could see arguments for them adding unnecessary complexity (although
> personally I think they would be extremely useful).

Well, yes, I tend to be a bit conservative about adding new options
and new menu entries. I think we need a good justification (like many
users requesting these feature at before we consider

But 1 would be very welcome indeed. I also agree that it makes sense
to break this into many small patches for the different parts of the
UI and the points a, b, c, d.

Best regards,

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