KLook - quick preview extension for Dolphin

Frank Reininghaus frank78ac at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 3 09:08:23 BST 2012

Hi Sergey,

2012/10/2 Sergey Borovkov <serge.borovkov at gmail.com>:
> Hi! Sorry that I have not been writing here for some time, I was quite busy.
> Since a lot of time passed and no objections raised anyone minds if I put
> Klook on kdereview? I would like to do in week or so (I am just finishing
> cleanup of code and proper support of remote files).
> I am still not sure what to do about icons overlapping when they are too
> small unfortunately

I don't see how we could include the Dolphin patch unless someone has
a good idea to resolve this issue (unfortunately, I don't have one).

However, you are free to submit the KLook application for review, of
course. I would recommend to fix the "always crashes at startup" part
before though. Asking people to review an application in such a state
is IMHO not a very nice thing to do.

Best regards,

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