Dolphin plugin for ownCloud

Dominik Schmidt domme at
Tue Nov 6 09:39:01 GMT 2012


> 2012/11/5 Dominik Schmidt:
> You cannot make KVersionControlPlugin a subclass of anything else in
> KDE 4.x, that's probably not binary compatible.

True, didn't think of that...

> lib/konq might be a good place for any kind of new plugin base class,
> that would also enable Plasma's FolderView to use it. Not the
> "Open/Save File" dialogs though - for them, it might be required to
> have the plugin in kdelibs, just like KAbstractFileItemPlugin. OTOH,
> kdelibs is in some kind of feature-frozen state AFAIK.

Yup, but might be a good start to have it in libkonq :)
I will dig into this later today and see what I can do..

> This mailing list is probably the right place to discuss this, but I
> would prefer not to be the only one giving advice and taking
> decisions. I never had anything to do with plugins, so I don't have
> much knowledge in that area at the moment.

Okay, waiting for more comments then :-)

Thanks for your feedback already, much appreciated!


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