KItemListKeyboardSearchManager and QApplication::keyboardInputInterval()

Peter Penz peter.penz19 at
Wed Mar 28 16:05:29 BST 2012

On 03/28/2012 03:40 PM, Frank Reininghaus wrote:
> So I would suggest to split this into two parts:
> 1. Bug fix part: Increase the timeout to a larger value (Nautilus' 5
> seconds seem quite reasonable to me) in the 4.8 branch.

Sounds good!

> 2. New feature part: Provide visual feedback about the search string
> and possibly also the timeout. Note that the 'repeated key search'
> feature does probably not make much sense any more then, I think it's
> impossible to combine that with visual feedback without causing
> confusion.

Ah, I did not think about this. Yes, you are right...

> But I don't know if users use this feature or even know
> about it anyway ;-) The reason why I suggested to implement the
> repeated key search in the first place was that QAbstractItemView also
> has it.

I'm also not sure whether user are aware about this. At least I forgot 
about this already ;-) But I'd need to write a rough prototype to get a 
feeling about how this visual feedback works in general and probably it 
would be fine to skip the repeated key search then.

> I might look into the visual feedback at some point, but probably not
> in the near future, so if some other volunteer shows up, I don't mind.

My TODO-list for 4.9 is already full and I also won't implement this in 
  near future. I'd also welcome volunteers, but I think it is important 
to communicate: If the visual feedback does not work as well as 
expected, the feature won't get merged. So there is a risk of 
investigating a lot of work into a feature that probably won't be 
released :-(

> What do you think about this?
> Best regards,
> Frank

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