info about writing a Dolphin plugin

Lisa Vitolo syn.shainer at
Mon Jul 16 21:03:56 BST 2012

Hello to this list,

this year I'm participating to GSoC: I have to write a submodule of Solid
for supporting basic partitioning operations, and a Dolphin plugin that
uses it. For more details, this is the proposal I submitted: Solid API
extension for partitioning, and a Dolphin plugin to use
The partitioning application is ready, but I need to integrate it as a
plugin in Dolphin, and I didn't find much documentation about how to do
this. My idea is to use the information provided by the resource panel to
give the user the possibility to manage his/her disks.
Keep in mind that I'm a bit new to the KDE world: I have been an user for a
long time but I'm not very experienced of all the services it offers to
developers. Can you point me to some documentation, or even to other
plugins so I can read their code?

Thanks very much for your time,
Lisa Vitolo

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so
bad as a lot of ignorance.
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