Review Request: Proposal to add a 'lock toggle button' to filter bar to prevent clearing of filter when navigating to a different folder
Frank Reininghaus
frank78ac at
Thu Dec 27 19:48:53 GMT 2012
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Thanks for the new patch and sorry for the late reply! Real life kept me quite busy around Christmas, so I had no time to have a closer look at it and test it.
I think it might indeed be better to do it without the configurable keyboard shortcut. Not only because it's easier from an implementation and maintenance point of view, but also because basically all actions shown in the "Configure Shortcuts" dialog can be invoked in the "default state" of the DolphinView. This would not be the case for the "Lock filter text" action (or at least it would not have any visible effect if it was toggled).
So the remaining issue that needs to be resolved before we can include this feature is the icon. If you don't want to use "system-lock-screen" or anything else that exists already, you might want to get in touch with the Oxygen people (i.e., by including Nuno Pinheiro in the 'People' section of this review) and ask them about their opinion.
- Frank Reininghaus
On Dec. 20, 2012, 6:53 p.m., Stuart Citrin wrote:
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> (Updated Dec. 20, 2012, 6:53 p.m.)
> Review request for Dolphin and KDE Usability.
> Description
> -------
> I wrote a quick add-on for the Dolphin filter bar. It is a button which prevents the filter text from clearing when navigating to a different folder.
> Why this might be needed:
> This is an attempt to resolve the following usability conflict:
> If one navigates to a different folder, the filter is automatically cleared since one does not want a situation where someone forgets a filter is applied and then doesn't understand why all the files within a folder are not appearing.(current behavior)
> versus:
> A user might want to keep a filter while navigating an arbitrary set of folders, but is unable to, since the filter is automatically cleared upon navigation
> The implementation to try to resolve this conflict is as follows:
> 1. A lock filter toggle button is added to the right side of the filter bar.
> 2. If the lock filter button is clicked(on), then if the user navigates away from the current folder, the filter is not cleared. If the lock filter button is released(off), then the text is cleared on navigation...which is the current behavior.
> 3. A configurable shortcut is added to toggle the lock filter button, with the default being Ctrl-Shift-I (since the default shortcut for hiding and showing the filter bar is Ctrl-I.)
> 4. If the user toggles the lock filter button to released (off), then the text in the filter also clears. The assumption here is that if the user no longer wants the text to be locked, he probably also wants to clear the text.
> 5. When the filter bar is hidden, then the lock filter button is released. The next time the filter bar is shown, the lock filter button will be in the released(off) position and the filter text will have been cleared.
> 6. At application startup, the lock filter button is always off, and the filter bar text cleared.
> This also fixes a current bug in dolphin where one is unable to toggle the visibility of the filter bar using the tool bar filter button, or by using the assigned hot key.
> Note... I think it is 'patch -p2' from the "dolphin" directory (above src directory ) to apply the patch
> Diffs
> -----
> dolphin/src/dolphinmainwindow.h 7da5801
> dolphin/src/dolphinmainwindow.cpp 11e03d0
> dolphin/src/dolphinviewcontainer.h e2d1b18
> dolphin/src/dolphinviewcontainer.cpp c27550a
> dolphin/src/filterbar/filterbar.h 9546c63
> dolphin/src/filterbar/filterbar.cpp f3076f0
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Went through all paths in dolphin. Tested: 1. Navigate to different folder. Text should clear only when text not locked
> 2.Ctl-I shortcut to toggle visiblility of filterbar
> 3.Text clears when filterbar hidden and then shown
> 4. Lock button locks and unlocks text
> 5. Shift-Ctl-I shortcut to toggle lock status of text. Lock button updates appropriately
> 6. Status (with non-perisistence from previous instance) of lock button when starting application..i.e. lock status is off on startup
> 7. Change keyboard appropriately
> 8. F3 and split view..tabs..etc.. should still work appropriately
> 9. Monkey tested...cannot get it to crash
> etc....
> Screenshots
> -----------
> Filter bar with new text locking button
> Thanks,
> Stuart Citrin
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