Git policy for kde-baseapps?

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at
Sat Dec 8 21:51:03 GMT 2012

On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 9:53 PM, David Faure <faure at> wrote:
> On Friday 28 September 2012 08:36:30 Ben Cooksley wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > Try clicking the link in that mail to see that the commit really does not
>> > exist.
>> That is concerning, I will have to talk to Vishesh to find out what
>> happened there. I cannot think of too many scenarios where an email is
>> sent, but the commit does not actually end up in the repository. As
>> emails are sent before the commits are accepted into the repository,
>> this is definitely a plausible scenario however.
> So, Ctrl+C during git push is a plausible cause for this :-)

Sure, if you manage to time it right during the very small window
between emails being sent and Git accepting the push.
(Small window = ~1 second I would guess)

> --
> David Faure, faure at,
> Working on KDE, in particular KDE Frameworks 5

Ben Cooksley
KDE Sysadmin

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