crash on acid3 test

Maksim Orlovich mo85 at
Tue Jul 5 13:30:28 BST 2011

Are you sure that dbg is what's NULL? It shouldn't be if debugging is
on, and if debugging is off, the instructions to invoke
changeDebugContext shouldn't be generated in the first place.

On 7/3/11, Martin Koller <kollix at> wrote:
> Hi,
> looking at bug
> I see a crash in kdelibs/kjs/bytecode/ line 210
> in changeDebugContext() where valgrind found a 0-pointer deref.
>     if (d == Enter)
>         dbg->enterContext(exec, body->sourceId(), body->firstLine(), fn,
> args);
>     else
>         dbg->exitContext(exec, body->sourceId(), body->lastLine(), fn);
> it seems dbg can be 0 but is not checked here.
> Any idea for the correct fix ?
> --
> Best regards/Schöne Grüße
> Martin
> A: Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
> Q: Why is top posting bad?
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> /\   - against proprietary attachments
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