mimetype problems...

Rigo Wenning rigo at w3.org
Tue Feb 1 08:44:35 GMT 2011

On Thursday 20 January 2011 20:39:59 David Faure wrote:
> > Why is there a need to do a preferred service [for text/html] 
> to get a webbrowser, not an image viewer.
We assume an image URI

KDE is based on mimetypes and URIs

Why on earth do you want to force this architecture by forcing to open the 
image with a webbrowser? If you embed the image in HTML, it should open with a 
webbrowser. But opening the pure image with a Webbrowser just abuses the image 
viewing capabilities of the Webbrowser to play image-viewer. 

So the architectural clean thing to do IMHO (not a programmer) would be new 
KRun(url) IMHO thus triggering the imageviewer. It is also consistent. Klick 
on a PDF link and normally, it should open with okular.

And one of the problems of Konversation is the missing thing in the right-
click menu: "Open with" that makes KDE so strong and that allows to select 
between the multiple applications available for a given mimetype. This would 
allow to also open with the browser, but not by default



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