Looking for khtml/kjs work for a master thesis

Bernd Buschinski b.buschinski at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 21 22:44:36 GMT 2011

Thanks for your answer,

ECMAScript really looks interessting, I have to discuss it with my prof how I 
could pack it into a nice thesis :)

As for  web inspector and javascript debugger I fear I currently don't have 
enough web development experience, sure I could copy it from others, but right 
now I really don't know what matters most

But don't expect anything from me anytime soon, x-mas is coming and right 
after that I have exams.

But even if it turns out that it is not suiteable as for a master thesis, I 
always said I will do something for khtml, now its written so I really have to 
(after exams) :)

merry x-mas and a happy new year ;-)

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