RFC --- new scripting extension sketches.

koos vriezen koos.vriezen at gmail.com
Sun May 16 11:53:13 BST 2010

2010/5/15 koos vriezen <koos.vriezen at gmail.com>:
> 2010/5/12 Maksim Orlovich <mo85 at cornell.edu>:
>> <snip>
>> OK, I went ahead and committed a new version of this extension. I've also
>> ported KHTML to it, and provided a backwards compatibility adapter that
>> bridges things that implement LiveConnectExtension to the new interface.
> Awesome work!
> Small nitpick is maybe a constructor for Object/FunctionRef that takes
> all members to make QVariant::setValue an one liner (be it a long
> line).

Shouldn't evaluateScript return a QString, ie the result of the
evalutation? If I'm not mistaken, ns plugins really depend on the
string outcome of js script evaluation.


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