[PATCH] devicenotifier and dolphin interactive problem

yinshuiboy yinshuiboy at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 01:59:44 GMT 2010

On 2010/01/12/ 17:32, Peter Penz wrote:
> I wanted to wait on the outcome of your KFilePlaces discussion with Kevin
> before commenting on the Dolphin patch.
> First: thanks for providing a patch for Dolphin :-) But please don't commit
> the Dolphin patch for 4.4, as I've some concerns about it:
> - It is not common for Dolphin to change the URL to the home URL automatically
> when an URL gets inaccessible. The default behavior is that the URL stays, but
> the content disappears.
Yeah, I know it's kind of uncommon. That's only my personal idea, which 
just looks like what Windows does.
> - Like Kevin I'm also not sure whether a new signal is needed. It is no
> problem for Dolphin to connect to the dataChanged() signal. The bool-flag
> whether the URL has been removed or not is not required. If needed this can
> checked on client side too, but is not needed in the case of Dolphin (just
> reloading would be OK).
> I could reproduce the problem you mention and agree that it should fixed, but
> I'm quite confident that it should be possible without introducing a
> updatePlaceContent() method in DolphinMainWindow... BTW: the same issue would
> occur in the file-open dialog. So I'd be happy if this could be solved by
> connecting e. g. a dataChanged() signal with a kind of reload().
> Again I'd like to wait for Kevin's response to KFilePlaces before
> investigating further into Dolphin. Please don't commit the patch before a
> final OK from Kevin.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Peter
That's ok. Actually I just want to make sure if any of you noticed the 
problem. I also believe there should be another better way to solve the 

Best Regards,

Sian Cao

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