Need help with newline handling

Harri Porten porten at
Sun Feb 28 14:10:10 GMT 2010


I need some advise on how to handle which is about copy&paste 
problems. What happens is that a user who copies HTML like this


gets the text "coucou<newline><space>hop". The leading space is 
superfluous. I've tracked it down to the following: setText() is called on 
the RenderText object for the "hop" string. It has a leading newline 
character which gets turned into a space by 
DOMString::collapseWhiteSpace()[1]. Since our copy&paste code makes us of 
the text stored in the Render objects it'll put this space into the 
clipboard as well.

I wonder if it's the right thing to convert leading newlines that way. 
Trying a patch that collapses leading newlines completely (attached) but 
got a lot of visible regressions from our test suite.

My question: is the collapsing code in RenderText::setText() the right 
place to fix the issue? Or should I restrict the fix to the 
KHTMLPart::selectedText() function?


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