Old Flash? Go upgrade! - New problem with konqueror

Maksim Orlovich mo85 at cornell.edu
Thu Apr 15 18:55:29 BST 2010

>    Hi
> Some days ago appear new problem with youtube. Each time konqueror try to
> play
> movie, message "Old Flash? Go upgrade!" is showed, and movie play is
> stopped.

Thanks for doing the analysis. Basically, what's needed is to implement
the npruntime module, for more sophisticated scripting of plugins
(including Flash) than what's supported now. Unfortunately, it's extremely
tricky to fully implement with out-of-process plugins, especially since
the presently used IPC system, D-Bus is inadequate for the task.

It's been in my TODO list for a while, but looks like it suddenly got very
urgent. Let's see if I can dig up the old patch that partly supported it,
at least.

Anyone reading looking for a challenge? ;-)

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