Bug 184891 - Separate menus and toolbars of KParts from Konqueror's menus and toolbars

Frank Reininghaus frank78ac at googlemail.com
Tue Sep 15 19:44:59 BST 2009


On Tuesday 15 September 2009 18:47:49 Shriramana Sharma wrote:
> No interest showed by the devels. :(

I understand that you are annoyed by the problem you've found and that you 
would like to see it fixed ASAP. However, there is only a small number of 
people working on Konqueror, mostly in their free time (that's the case for 
most free software projects, actually). I don't really know the relevant 
pieces of code, but your suggestions sound like very non-trivial changes to 
me. That nobody has started working on it yet does not mean that the 
developers are not interested in improving the user experience - quite the 
opposite is true.

Anyone who wants to help out with patches to reduce the huge number of open 
bugs and wishes will certainly be welcome (but be sure to ask the maintainers 
of the code or this list for advice before you start larger changes, and don't 
despair if you don't get a reply in three days - many developers have full 
inboxes and little time).

Best regards,

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